


The Study to Determine the Optimum Elementary Teachers' Professional Program that provided by Changhua Educational Bureau




楊深耕(Shen-Keng Yang)


教師專業發展 ; 專業能力 ; 在職訓練 ; 專案評估 ; teacher professional development ; professional ability ; In-service training ; program evaluation




14期(2006 / 06 / 01)


189 - 204




本研究旨在探討以縣市為層級的教師專業發展方案對於教師專業發展是否適切。縣市政府教育局為提高教師的專業能力,並落實地方層級的主動提供訓練方案,以符應社會快速變遷知識迅速增加,彌補教師本身知識與技能的不足,規劃設計進修活動,提供教師參與藉以提升教師的能力。本研究的目的有三,其一為了解教師專業發展的核心能力,其二是了解彰化縣教育局所規劃的教育訓練的類型,最後是了解縣市教育局提供的專業發展方案是否能增進教師專業能力。研究方法兼採文件分析法及訪問法,其中文件分析法中援用全美教育協會(National Education Association)的專業規準、Shulman的教學知識指標及Ingvarson的專業發展系統作為檢驗項目,來分析彰化縣教育局的專業發展方案的內容與類型。


The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum elementary teachers' professional program that provided by County Educational Bureau. Nowadays, County Educational Bureau have encouraged elementary teachers to participate some in service professional training and developed a various of Teachers' Professional Development Programs to improve teachers' professional competency that can meets the rapidly changing knowledge in the society, and to enhance the teaching knowledge and skills. The purpose of this study is threefold: (i) To determine what are the core abilities for teachers' professional development (ii) To understand the types of educational training that is designed by County Education Bureau. (iii) To determine whether this training program can improve teachers' professional competency. The document analysis and interview methods were used to analyze the optimum for the content and type of professional education program that developed by Changhua Educational Bureau. The test items in the document analysis were derived from the professional criteria of National Education Association, Shulman's teaching knowledge index and Ingarson's professional development system.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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