The main purpose of this study was to analyze the WISC-Ⅲ scores of 42 second grade to ninth grade ADHD students with coexisting learning problems in Kaushiung City, Taiwan. The major results were concluded as follows:
1. The average WISC-Ⅲ IQs for all subjects were:FIQ-87.90, VIQ-88.38, PIQ-90.40, VCI-90.40, POI-94.10, FDI-85.10, PSI-84.38. About 80% of the subjects' FIQ, VIQ, and PIQ were ≦100.
2. The results of the stepwise regression analysis indicated that the most effective variable for predicting word recognition was Information subtest; the FDI and PSI were the best predictors for the performance of reading comprehension and most of the arithmetic concept measurement.
3. The results of the point-biserial correlation analysis indicated that neither FDI nor PSI has significant correlations with ADHD subjects.
4. The Verbal Ability, Perceptual Organization, and Working Memory, which were three factors that extracted from the 13 subtests of WISC-Ⅲ, can explain 62.51% of the cumulative variance.
5. All profiles or patterns of WISC-Ⅲ for diagnostic application, such as ACID, SCAD, PIO-SCAD, WDI Index, and Bannatyne Type, may have much higher ratio of false negative error and false positive error in diagnosing ADHD.
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WISC–IV technical report: Theoretical model and test blueprint