


The Current States of Individualization in Elementary School Teaching




呂錘卿(Chuei-Ching Lu);曾榮華(Jung-Hua Tseng);陳韻如(Yun-Ju Chen)


個別化教學 ; 國民小學 ; individualized instruction ; elementary school




15期(2006 / 12 / 01)


137 - 159




本研究旨在探討國民小學教師對個別化教學理念的認知和實施情形。以自編之問卷,調查中部四縣市五十所國民小學882位教師,有效樣本數765。根據調查結果歸納四點結論。 1.教師對個別化教學理念整體贊同程度,在四點量表的平均數為3.06,屬於中等程度。 2.教師反應個別化教學理念在班級的實施情形,在四點量表的平均數為2.54,屬於中等偏低程度,並不理想。另外,教師反應在班級中已實施個別化教學,合併「同意」和「非常同意」兩項約有55%。 3.整體而言,教師對個別化教學理念贊同成度,顯著地高於實施情形。 4.教師表示在班級教學中,無法實施個別化教學之原因,最主要的有五項;(1)學校行政單位不支持,佔60%;(2)班級人數過多,佔53%;(3)教材改編不容易,佔47%;(4)容易造成學生分類、比較,佔42%;(5)對於學生起點行為瞭解不容易,佔41%。 研究者根據研究結果,提出對教師、學校及師資培育機構若干建議。


The present research is for the purpose of discussing the elementary school teachers' consciousness to individualized instruction, as well as the practices in the classroom situation. Questionnaires Data were collected from 882 teachers at 50 elementary schools, located in four counties in the middle area of Taiwan. Four factors from data were extracted out of ”teachers' consciousness” which were labeled as ”extremely agreed”, ”agreed”, ”no opinion”, and ”disagreed”. Results from this study were further integrated to address four important issues: 1. The whole approval degree of the teachers' consciousness to individualized instruction is at the medium degree (M=3.06) 2. The implementation situation of individualized instruction in class's and grade's values is slightly higher than the mean (M=2.54), is certainly not ideal. Moreover, the merge ”agreed” and ”extremely agreed” two items of teachers have implemented individualized instruction in the class approximately accounted 55%. 3. The whole says, the teachers' consciousness to individualized instruction reveals is being higher than the implementation situation. 4. The teachers expressed the reasons why is unable to implement individualized instruction in the class, most mainly at five items: (1) the school administration does not support individualized instruction, accounts for 60%; (2) the population of the class excessively are too much, accounts for 53%; (3) the reorganization of teaching material is not easy, accounts for 47%; (4) Cause to create unfair classification and comparison among the students, accounts for 42%; (5) there are plenty of difficulties in understanding the students' beginning behaviors, account for 41%. According to research findings, suggestions were recommended to teacher training institutions, administrators, and the authorities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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