


Trilogy of Ba-Shu Culture Contrived in the Wei-Jin Period-From "San-Du-Fu" to "History of the Three Sovereign Nations" and "History of Hua-Yang Monarchy"




王文進(Wen-Chin Wang)


巴蜀文化 ; 三都賦 ; 三國志 ; 華陽國志 ; Ba-Shu culture ; San-Du-Fu ; History of the three sovereign nations ; History of Hua-Yang monarchy




9期(2007 / 06 / 01)


1 - 30






Ba-Shu culture is momentous proportion constituting the integral history and culture of Han, Three sovereign nations, and Wei-Jin periods. Nevertheless, owing to the general trend of history, after Three sovereign nations intermingled by Jin dynasty, Northern people take haughty demeanor to southern culture by bureaucratic and militant triumph, let the conservation of Ba-Shu culture in dangers lurking on all sides, virtually vanish the biased cultural vision of Northern monopolization in unwarlike situation. Nowadays, we could ascertain quintessence of Ba-Shu culture before middle-ancient Age building upon three works by their contrastive manner and Writing pinnacle: Zuo si ”San-Du-Fu”, Chen Shou ”History of the Three Sovereign Nations”, and Chang Qu ”History of Hua-Yang Monarchy”. Zuo si is in poetic inflexibility of harmonious condition of western-Jin, feverishly and fatuously composing ”San-Du-Fu”, unintentionally preserving essence of Ba-Shu culture. Chen Shou's ”History of the Three Sovereign Nations” is in the contradiction of northern and southern politics, prudently handling tactics of technique foul to equate field of vision of three sovereign nations, gingerly sustaining Ba-Shu culture. Chen Shou, even though dissatisfy the people of Zhong-Yuan and southern districts with their disdain of Ba-Shu culture, is in the sentiments of warmth of home-town, calmly perceiving positive impetus to Ba-Shu culture from external culture, ultimately fulfilling the triad of Ba-Shu culture.

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