


Rumination over Facing Existence-Course of Eros, Nature and Individualism in Novels by Qi Deng Sheng




蕭義玲(I-Ling Hsiao)


七等生 ; 現代主義 ; 愛慾 ; 自然 ; 個體性 ; 現代性 ; Qi Deng Sheng ; Modernism ; Eros ; Nature ; Individualism




10期(2007 / 12 / 01)


151 - 189






As an author possessing strong philosophical personality, concern of existence has long been the clear-cut motif presented in Qi Deng Sheng's works. This essay attempts to apply metaphorical exploration to gain access to Qing Deng Sheng's world of novel by taking ”Elaboration on the World of Inner Life” as the metaphorical core of the novel to probe into the relationship between subject awareness and novel narration. This essay will further lead us to have a clear view that Qi Deng Sheng takes plights in life and how to obtain the meaningful rebirth in the fluctuating world situation as the threshold for thinking toward his concern of the existence. It signifies that Qi Deng Sheng thinks the meaning of ”existence” through the course of how people respond the plight of life in the dimension of a period of time: The way for the practice of life is the land to generate meaning, as all cognitions of essence can hardly replace the real existence per se. Therefore, the issues of ”existence” and ”meaning” in Qi Deng Sheng's works are embodied in the appearance of figures' ”existence of practice” and ”meaning of practice,” the driving forces of practice that make the possible connection of secular life with sacred mystery, while ”connection” is the course of religion presented in the appearance of Eros, nature and individualism and ”writing” is the exploration of ”connection”. Finally, the terminal concern of the meaning of existence will be presented in the course of mutual dialogue of ”Horizontverschmelzung” between the author, work and interpreter via the metaphorical reading. This essay will recognize that modern people in a fluctuating world situation should never overlook their terminal concern of the meaning of existence as it presents a meaning of profundity.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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