


The Transformation of the Thought of Chuang Tzu from Shamanism to Tao




楊儒賓(Rur-Bin Yang)


巫 ; 神人 ; 不朽 ; 心齊 ; 遊 ; 逍遙 ; shaman ; immortality ; Xin-zhai ; travel ; Xiao-yao




11期(2008 / 06 / 01)


79 - 109




莊子思想的淵源是多元的,他有可能繼承老子與孔子的論述,這是從哲學觀點下作的判斷。但他的思想的另一個源頭可能來自巫教,從聞一多以下,此命題已越來越受到學界重視。《荘子》一書中頻頻使用的昇天、變形與不懼水火的主題應該來自巫教傳統,而莊子將它們改造成至人的形象。但以往討論莊子與巫教關係的文章對於莊子如何由巫文化的拘束中走出,交代得不夠清楚,筆者以往的文章亦是如此。 巫曾經壟斷一切的知識,但他很重要的兩種功能乃是對命運的揣測以及對形體的經營。神巫最重要的形象即是預測未來的事件以及不老長壽。本文分別從這兩方面入手,指山莊子解釋的道(世界觀之實相)已非占卜或求仙這類的巫師職能所能處理,並指出莊子如何由成巫的工夫論(齋)演變到體道的工夫論(心齋),以及如何將外在世界事件的「遊」轉化爲人的存在模式的感通之遊。透過了工夫論、基本存有論以及人格類型的轉換,莊子轉化了巫教中非理性的拘忌向度,而原來巫教中顯現的神人之形象:一種不受限於物理、生理法則的神話智慧,則被莊子接受過來,成爲精神自由的象徵。


The sources of Chuang Tzu's philosophy are multiple. From the philosophical point of view, he might inherit the thoughts of Lao Tzu and Confucius. However, another source of his philosophy might be shamanism. Since Wen I-to, this thesis has got more and more attention. The topics used frequently in Chuang Tzu, such as ascending to heaven, changing shapes, and fearlessness of fire and water, should come from the tradition of Shamanism. Chuang Tzu reformed them and used them to describe of the images of the sages. However, those articles concentrating on the relationship between Chuang Tzu and shamanism do not give a clear explanation for Chuang Tzu's liberation from Shamanism, so do my former articles. The Shaman once monopolized knowledge. But his main functions were to foretell the fate and to manage the body. The most essential images of shaman were the ability to predict future events and immortality. This article approaches these two images and tries to point out three significant transformations Chuang Tzu had made. First, the Tao (the reality of the world) in Chuang Tzu's usage could not be handled by an augur or a shaman any more. Second, Chuang Tzu altered Zhai (齊)-the technique of becoming a shaman-into Xin-zhai (心齊)-the technique of coalescing with Tao. Finally, he changed the meaning of travel (遊)-from travel in the physical world to travel in the ontological model. Through the transformations of methodology, primary ontology, and the type of character, Chuang Tzu transcended the irrational, restrict dimension. He also adapted the mythical image of shaman-free from the physical law-for the symbol of spiritual freedom.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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