


Political Metaphor and Birds in the poetry-an analysis of Creation of the Banished Poets of Yuan-He




鍾曉峰(Hsiao-Feng Chung)


禽鳥詩 ; 政治託喻 ; 元和詩人 ; 貶謫 ; political metaphor ; birds in the poerty ; the poets of Yuan-He ; middle-Tang ; the banishment




12期(2008 / 12 / 01)


89 - 119






Birds have been widely portrayed in Chinese poetry since Shi Jing (《詩經》) and Li Sao (《離騷》). But in later, birds often were the object which the poet describes. During the Yuan-He period in the Tang dynasty, faced with new political chances and challenges. Most poets of Yuan-He engaged in major political events, and consequently often subjected themselves to the agonizing experience of being banished. Among the most important and influential poets were Han Yu (韓愈), Liu Zongyuan (柳宗元), Liu Yuxi (劉禹錫), Bai Juyi (白居易), Yuan Zhen (元稹). At the time, the agony of exile and the hope of reconstructing the history of the nation became the two underlining themes in the bird pieces of the disgraced poets. Their readers should give consideration to certain corresponding political and historical events to understand the innovation and change. Poets tactfully combine allegorist techniques and their political standing. So that the birds in the poetry serve not only as the object of descriptions of objects, but also as a reflection of the poet's creation and his political standing. The author presented a structure of metaphor. The evilness and ferociousness of bad birds are particularly emphasized to signify that of the enemies in political competition, and the technique that skillfully reflected the contemporary situation of the politic. Bird in the poetry of Yuan-He period carries a distinctive quality of strange in its style by the form and connotation which characterized by innovation and change.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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