


Borrowed Modernity-Yu Ta-fu's Appropriation of Western Aesthetics of Decadence




蔡振念(Chen-Nien Tsai)


郁達夫 ; 挪借 ; 現代性 ; Yu Ta-fu ; appropriation ; modernity




13期(2009 / 06 / 01)


1 - 22




本文從探討所謂現代性出發,詳論了西方社會對現代性追求的過程,並指出現代性在社會、政治、文化、心理上各有不同的指涉。所謂現代性因此不同的面貌,而文學上最重要的現代性特徵之一是頹廢。 郁達夫自留學日本時期起,就大量閱讀西方文學,受到西方和日本文學很大的影響,在郁達夫推崇、喜愛的作家中有許多是浪漫主義的頹廢詩人,因此郁達夫作品中憂鬱、頹廢的色彩固然有自身性格的因素,但更多的是對西方的模仿、挪借。


This article starts from a brief investigation of modernity, discusses the process of the western society in search of its modernity, and finds out that the so-called modernity has different meanings in many aspects such as politics, culture, social science, and psychology. One of the most important aspects of modernity in literature is decadence. When Yu Ta-fu was studying in Japan, he started to read western and Japanese literatures and affected by them to a great degree. Most of his favorite writers belong to romantic school. Therefore the decadent and melancholy flavor in his writings comes form his imitation and borrowing of the western literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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