


Supplement and Correction to the Eastern Han to Western Jin Section in the Preface to "Jingji zhi" of Sui shu




朱曉海(Sherman Chu)


隋志 ; 中祕 ; 副本 ; 鄭默 ; 皇覽 ; 汲冢書 ; Sui zhi ; royal library ; copy ; Zheng Mo ; Huanglan ; the discovered ancient books from a tomb in Ji




16期(2010 / 12 / 01)


1 - 33






The royal library of the Western Jin dynasty was unrivalled in the volume of collection compared to those of the Han and Six dynasties. As Niu Hong 牛弘 noticed, it is because the books collected by the royal library of the Cao Wei dynasty were inherited by the Jin. However, since all the books, according to Xulu 敘錄 of Sui zhi 隋志, were destroyed as the result of the riots breaking out in the two capitals in the end of the Eastern Han dynasty, how could the Wei and Jin royal libraries possibly thrive in such a short time? The current paper answers this question in five sections. First, the paper indicates that a book copying system had been established since the Han dynasty, and thanks to which the collection of the royal library was saved from conflagration. Second, the paper points out the private collections played a crucial role in books preservation. The third section shows that the Cao family had begun sought for books since as early as before the change of the dynasty. The following section discusses the relation between Zheng Mo 鄭默 and Zhongjing 中經 of the Wei dynasty. The last section tries to explain two enigmas in book categorization of Zhongjing of the Western Jin. By the above analysis, the paper attempts to demonstrate the following fact: it was the society itself that was the key to protecting books from destruction.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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