


A Study on "佘太君" and "折太君"




康保成(Bao-Cheng Kang)


佘太君 ; 楊令婆 ; 柴太郡 ; 折太君 ; 口耳相傳 ; She Tai Jun ; Yang Ling Po ; Chi Tai Jun ; She Tai Jun ; word of mouth




16期(2010 / 12 / 01)


161 - 191






She Taijun (「佘太君」)-She Saihua (佘賽花) is Yang Ye (楊業)'s wife and the mother of Yang Liulang (楊六郎) in Chinese traditional opera. She was pretty and had a temperament of martial bearing when she was a teenager, and married Yang Ye through a Kongfu contest. She gave birth to seven sons and two daughters to the Yang, and had become the leader of the female soldiers of the Yang family since Yang Ye and Yang Liulang passed away. She assumed leadership when she was a hundred-year old, gave military orders, gained victories and finally won respect from government and people. This paper explores the relationship between the origin of this literary figure and the historical character ”She Taijun” (「折太君」). Yang Ye's wife in literature is originally Lü (「呂氏」), whose deeds can be found in the novels of Jiajing period, Ming Dynasty, where she is called Yang Ling Po (「楊令婆」). Then, after Wanli Thirtieth Year of Ming Dynasty, the appellation ”She Tai Jun” (「佘太君」) was shown in drama. Yang Ling Po (「楊令婆」) and She Tai Jun (「佘太君」) respectively exhibit regional colors of Southern and Northern China, and are absorbed in some later literatures, thus they are sometimes mixed. The formation of the appellation ”Tai Jun” (「太君」) probably relates to the reason that Yang Liu Lang's wife is called ”Tai Jun” in the Ming novels. Since opera exerts extensive influence on the public people, and the two characters 折 and 佘 are homophone, as well as there are geopolitical reasons, in around the middle of Qing Dynasty, the General She Kexing (折克行)'s mother She (「折氏」) of Song Dynasty was interpreted by head and ears of the common people, who reside around Ke Lan Zhou region, which was Yang Ye's hometown, as Yang Ye's wife She Tai Jun (「佘太君」) of opera. During Yongzheng time, the tomb of Zhe Kexing's mother ”She Tai Jun”(「折太君」) became the farfetched one of ”She Tai Jun” (「佘太君」). As She Kexing's mother ”She Tai Jun” (「折太君」) is about a hundred year older than Yang Ye, then she was ”rationally regarded as” the daughter of She Deyi (折德扆). Bi Yuan (畢沅), the well-known scholar of Qing Dynasty, and some contemporary scholars believe the misrepresentation of the local recordings, and make She Deyi's daughter She Tai Jun (「折太君」) the prototype of the opera character ”She Tai Jun” (「佘太君」). This theory has been passed down and almost been the final one. However, it is a misunderstanding of history.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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