


Between the Ming and Qing Dynasties, How Does Interpret the Classics by Loyalist: The Critique of Heh Vie Suen's(賀貽孫) "Solution of Shi Jiang" 《詩經觸義》




鍾志偉(Chih-Wei Chung)


詩經 ; 賀貽孫 ; 詩經觸義 ; 遺民 ; 文學解經 ; the Book of Songs ; Heh Yie Suen ; Solution of Shi Jiang ; loyalist ; Chinese classics of literary interpretations




17期(2011 / 06 / 01)


1 - 26






The academy of the Ming and Qing Dynasties shows differences, and, what kind of lookses about ”the Book of Songs” is presented between Ming-Qing transition. Loyalist live through the change of dynasty, how to connect intermediate link of the academic history of ”the Book of Songs”. Take a broad view of ”catalogue of Si Ku Quan Shu” (《四庫全書總目》), ”Solution of Shi Jiang” was as much praised as blamed., offer a lot of thinking space. I discuss the text from a angle of the academic history of ”the Book of Songs”, comment stands, content and methods, try to find influence of the times. Heh Yie Suen is the leftover person in the Ming Dynasty, refusing the Qing Dynasty of Government's recruitment. Heh Yie Suen's Works numerous, ”Solution of Shi Jiang” represent study theory about ”the Book of Songs”. It's eclecticism, besides, criticize to Zhu Xi(朱熹) Secondly, displaying his philosophic theory thought from it, and showing personal feature of the classics interpretation. Moreover, solve poem with literature, to touch on a lot of the devices, comparing with ”the Book of Songs”, ”The Songs of the South” (楚辭), poetry, prose and pictures. This phenomenon is quite rare. This text comments on the mistake finally. Even so, it contributed to subjoin the general situation of ”the Book of Songs” academic research between Ming-Qing transition, and revealing its position, in order to solve me about all sorts of the above-mentioned queries.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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