


The Argumentations about Zuo-Zhuan in Ri-Zhi-Lu by Gu Yan-Wu




蔡妙眞(Miao-Chen Tsai)


顧炎武 ; 日知錄 ; 左傳 ; 經世 ; 夷夏之防 ; 通經致用 ; Gu Yan-Wu ; Ri-Zhi-Lu ; Zuo-Zhuan ; the art of leading a country ; the boundary between Hua-xia and barbarian tribes ; put the principles of Confucian canon on practice ; version




17期(2005 / 06 / 01)


157 - 193




明末通儒顧炎武,身遭異族亡國之痛,一生汲汲於經世致用之學,啟有清學術新風氣,被譽為「開國儒宗」。其畢生精力所繫,殆為《日知錄》一書,故吾人探析其學術,此書為不可或缺之津梁。 顧炎武以為通經致用乃經世之首要法門。然經書所言大抵為原則,其見諸行事者,不得不取鑑於史書,今考諸《日知錄》,所論多引史書為證,其中又以《左傳》特為見重,加上《左傳》兼具經史著作之性質,因此以《左傳》作為窺探顧炎武治學之門徑,當甚具準式。 本文旨在整理《日知錄》中之《左傳》學,以見顧炎武治學之方法及其理念關注之所在。由《日知錄》對《左傳》之研究,可以窺知顧炎武治學方法係由整理文獻中呈現時代精神。以《左傳》研究而論,顧炎武頗能擺脫字詞訓詁之侷限,及春秋大義之陷溺,秉實事求是之精神,特重闡發夷夏之防、禮制之要,此又係針貶時弊而來,故而形成其闡釋《左傳》時之焦點意識。


The great scholar in the Late Ming Dynasty, Gu Yan-Wu, who suffered from being conquered by the different tribe, was devoted to the art of leading a country in order to restore Ming Dynasty. The new paragon of academic researches was inspired by Gu Yan-Wu, therefore he was praised as 'the ancestor of the Confucianists in Ching Dynasty'. Gu Yan-Wu's representative work is Ri-Zhi-Lu, a book based on his reading notes recorded through his whole life, and is the important access to seize the academic achievements of Gu Yan-Wu. In Gu Yan-Wu's opinion, the best way to lead a country is put the principles of the Confucian canon into practice, and scrutinize the experiences in history. In Ri-Zhi-Lu, Gu YanWu identified the principles of the Confucian canon with plenty of historical events mostly from Zuo-Zhuan which is not only historical records but also an important Confucian canon. Therefore, this study induces Gu Yan-Wu's argumentations about Zuo-Zhuan in Ri-Zhi-Lu to grasp the tragedies in his scholarly researches, and how he orientated Zuo-Zhuan. In stead of being particular about trifles in the explanations of words and just following conventions which regard Zuo-Zhuan as just an commentary on Chun-Qiu, Gu Yan-Wu attempted to find the 'medicine' for the troubled time from the Ancient documents, especially the Confucian canon. Due to the hurt being subjugated people, he couldn't help himself to focus his argumentations on the cultural boundary between Hua-Xia and 'barbarian tribes', one of the important theories of Confucius, and promotion the importance of ceremonies. These were what he thought the very foremost things to know about Zuo-Zhuan.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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