


Having a Shallow Understanding of the Attainments of Yen-Yuan's Knowledge




劉錦賢(Chin-Hsien Liu)


顏淵 ; 孔子 ; 聖學 ; 道德 ; 智慧 ; Yen-Yuan ; Confucius ; Sages' Studies ; Morality ; Wisdom




17期(2005 / 06 / 01)


71 - 91






Yen-Yuan occupied a high position among the disciples of Confucius. There were two sages that Yen-Yuan followed, one was Shun in the ancient time, and the other was Confucius at that time. Shun was the ancient sage that Yen-Yuan admired not only because Shun was filial and brotherly, acted up to benevolence and righteousness, and did his duty, but also because of the virtue and wisdom of the happy medium Shun used to govern his country. Confucius, who had widely spread benevolence, comprehensive wisdom, unhurried attitude, harmonious will, was the contemporary sage that Yen-Yuan venerated and imitated with effort. ”Not exaggerating one's good deeds, and not overstating one's virtues”, the aspiration of Yen-Yuan, is, namely, the sentence ”do not exaggerate the good things you do, and do not overemphasize your goodness” in Yi-Jhuan, which means ”doing good things to people but not magnify those things, and widely spreading virtues but not claiming credit for Oneself.” As to what Confucius praised Yen-Yuan's studious spirit, ”do not get angry because of what others do, and erase bad thinking from one's mind”, which means ”you could rationally respond to the things that other people do without getting angry, and wipe out aberrant thinking from your mind completely”. Yen-Yuan ”knew the secrets of sages”, and had great achievements of sages' studies. He not only properly understood the profound meanings of sages' studies and studied single-mindedly, but also practiced what the teachers taught him earnestly unceasingly. The life ideals of the Confucianists were expressing the benevolence to make themselves feel happy in spirit, and getting rid of nuisances to be free from care. Within the life character combined with beauty and righteousness was the endless pleasure that both Confucius and Yen-Yuan could achieve. Regarding the chapter ”Yen-Yuan Signs Deeply”, it shows Yen-Yuan's learning process of admiring sages' doctrines, enriching his wisdom and virtues, and completely understanding sages' studies. The attainments of Yen-Yuan lied between removing and maintaining the appearances of sages, and his achievements were the formulas of becoming sages and the standard methods of entering the confines of sages.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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