


The Calligraphy Esthetics Research Methodology Province Thinks




簡月娟(Yue-Juan Jian)


方法論 ; 研究方法 ; 學科建構 ; 書法美學 ; 共同語境 ; 審美 ; 藝術本質 ; methodology ; reserach method ; The discipline constructs the construction ; Calligraphy esthetics ; Common linguistic environment ; Esthetic ; Artistic essence




18期(2006 / 01 / 01)


213 - 232




古代中國書法理論內容豐富,然以感悟式隨筆為大宗,亟需理論體系的統整,而書法美學可謂書法領域中最具方法自覺的一門學科。所有學科的「研究方法」都必須以「方法論」-研究方法為研究對象的理論,作為觀念上的統攝,才能促使研究結果更加完善,書法美學亦然。 中國詩、文理論博大精深,書論及書法審美受了詩論、文論深遠影響;詩、文理論成功借鑑西方文、藝理論以建立學科的過程,可提供書法美學理論建構之參考。另一方面,雖然西方文藝美學提供嶄新的、更具系統性的研究方法與視角,然應衡量中西之間的文化背景與審美差異,援引適當學理,不應全然以「他者」論述為標準。若一味「橫的移植」,則連美學大師王國維也認為書法是「低等的美術」。 至於全球化共同語境的建立,更是建構書法美學為一國際性學科的基本步驟。因此,本文以知識系譜出發,分為「參考中國文論的發展脈絡」、「援引西方文藝美學的迷思」、「共同語境的建立」三部分,以學理進路探討書法美學成為一門學科的可能。


Ancient times the Chinese calligraphy theory content was rich, but the feeling with realizes from experience of the type informal essay is the large amount, urgently needed the theory system to becom the series gathers with the reorganization, but calligraphy esthetics it may be said inthe calligraphy domain most had a method aware discipline. All disciplines ”the research technique” all must take ”the methodology”-the research technique as the research object theory, take in the idea the series absorbs, can urge the findings to be more perfect, calligraphy esthetics also however. The Chinese poem, the article theory are broad and profound, the book concerned the calligraphy esthetically to receive the poem to discuss, the article discusses the profound influence; The Chinese poem, the article theory are broad and profound, the book concerned the calligraphy esthetically to receive the poem to discuss, the article discusses the profound influence; The poem, the articletheory success borrow the western article, the skill theoryestablishes the discipline the process, may provide the calligraphy esthetics theory to construct reference the construction. On the other hand, although western literary arts esthetics providesbrand-new, has the systematic research technique and the angle of view, however should weigh between the China and the West the culturalcontext and the esthetic difference, cites the suitable scientific theory or principle, should not completely take ”other” the elaborationas the standard. If constantly ”horizontal transplant”, then continually esthetics master Wang Guowei also thought the calligraphy is ”low and so on the fine arts”. As for the globalization common linguistic environment establishment, is constructs the construction calligraphy esthetics is an international discipline basic step. Therefore, this article Genealogy embarks by the knowledge, divides into ”the development vein which in the reference the Chinese discusses”, ”cites the western literary arts esthetics to confuse thinks”, ”thecommon linguistic environment establishment” three parts, becomes a discipline by the scientific theory or principle admission passage discussion calligraphy esthetics the possibility.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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