


Hou Cang and the Ritual Culture in the Han Dynasty




江乾益(Chiey-Yi Chiang)


文化 ; 經學 ; 儀禮 ; 漢禮 ; 后倉 ; 后氏曲臺記 ; 禮記 ; culture ; classics studies ; ritual and ceremony ; Han ritual customs ; Hou Shi Qu Tai Ji ; Record of Rites




19期(2006 / 06 / 01)


145 - 167






During my career of teaching the history of classics studies, I have gained familiarity with almost all the classics scholars throughout Chinese dynasties, with the only exception of Hou Cang (70 BC), whom I seem to know yet, to my regret, fail to have a complete grasp of his academic domain. I have pondered the reason why it is so. Plausibly it is because previous scholars used to incorporate Hou Cang in the classics scholars camp without singling him out for respective study, or mentioning the special contribution he had made to the classics studies, which subsequently resulted in the oblivion of his scholarly position in the field of classics studies. In fact, the comprehensive knowledge Hou Cang had of the Five Classics had not only toped him as one of the few outstanding scholars, but also established him firmly as the landmark of ritual studies and the birthplace of ritual school in the Han dynasty. He may, of course, well be regarded as a distinguished and nonpartisan figure in his era. This study intends to, by exploring Hou Cang's scholastic lineage and work, the diversified ritual schools led by his disciples, the arguments proposed by Dai Sheng in Shi Qu Li Lun 《石渠禮民主化》, and the practices of ritual studies in the Han dynasty, give due credit to his cultural contribution to the Han dynasty and commend his academic accomplishment.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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