


Eternal Confucian Classics and the Fluid Values-An Observation of Tang Poems with the Literary References from "Zuo Zhuan"




蔡妙真(Miao-Chen Tsai)


典故 ; 唐詩 ; 左傳 ; 經學 ; literary references ; Tang Poems ; Zuo Zhuan ; Study of the Confucian classics




19期(2006 / 06 / 01)


231 - 263




典故雖具有穩定的文化意涵,但其見用,最主要還是為了表達作者的立意、題旨,且通常是對現實的反映,因此,用典一事具有高度的闡釋主體性。透過觀察經學典故之運用,可以窺探除了經學家以外,文人對傳統經學之掌握及闡釋趣向。本研究主要觀察二個面向:一是哪些《左傳》記事最常被提及?二是文人用典時,對故實取義之側重,或對故實意義之建構。 研究發現唐詩引用《左傳》典故多集中在「懷才不遇」之集體焦慮,如「泥塗」、「楚材」、「宋都鶂」等典故的使用;或對知音之慕求及感恩,如「管鮑」、「靈輒一飯報」等典故之使用;或陳述仕進受挫的心情,如以「楚囚鍾儀」、「介之推」等人物自喻,凡此皆與唐代士人的出路問題以及干謁風氣很有關係;亦即對唐詩人來說,《左傳》的經義重點不是尊王,不是攘夷,其目光所注乃在「行路(仕途)難」史事。這說明經書的意義是流動的,視「闡釋者」之焦點意識而各有側重甚或意義之變動;其次,詩人用典未必恪遵原典意義,則唐人解經勇於「疑」,敢於直尋義理的轉變,於此或可略窺一二。


Literary references usually have stable cultural meanings, meanwhile, the subjectivity in explanation. That's because their most main function in the text is to express the author's intention, and ordinarily they are not just the quotations of past but the reflections of the present. In this base, the study of literary references could indicate, beyond the classical scholars, the litterateurs' inclination toward the explanations to Confucian classics. It will help us to realize that how the values or so-called meanings of Confucian classics changed or developed. This research mainly observes two aspects: which literary references from ”Zuo Zhuan” are most often mentioned, and the inclination toward the explanations to those literary references. The most often mentioned literary references from ”Zuo Zhuan” quoted in Tang Poems concentrates in great anxieties about 'talents buried in a napkin', then, either earnestly admires or grateful to a bosom friend, or frustration on official careers, these are related to the official future of the intelligentsia of Tang Dynasty and the following atmosphere of seeking official preferment or favors. In other words, to the poets of Tang Dynasty, it's not the subject of ”Zuo Zhuan” that honor the king and drive off the barbarians, but all kinds of the difficulties in official careers, even life itself. This indicates the values of Confucian classics are fluid, part of them depends on the focal awareness of the readers, in the same time, explainers. The fact that poets of Tang Dynasty didn't strictly obey the original story or meanings of Confucian classics can be an index sign about the atmosphere of arbitrary explanations to Confucian classics in the classical scholars circle of Tang Dynasty.

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