


The Attitude and Method of Interpreting Confucian Classics in Yan Can's Shihji and Its Significances in the History of the Learning of Confucian Classics




黃忠慎(Zhong-Shen Huang)


嚴粲 ; 詩緝 ; 詩序 ; 首序 ; 後序 ; 新派 ; 舊派




19期(2006 / 06 / 01)


55 - 96




《詩緝》一書使用經學、理學、文學三條進路來解經,本文要考察的是其經學面向的風貌,由方法論的角度切入以說明嚴粲的解經特質。不過,面對中國傳統經典,解經者的使用的解釋方法與其面對古典的態度之間有極為密切的關係,甚至,態度往往是決定方法的重要關鍵。因此,本文雖是從方法論來研究嚴粲《詩緝》的解經特質,但也必須觀察他對《詩經》或整體《毛詩》學派系統的態度。 嚴粲對於〈詩序〉說教型的詮釋是接受的,其撰寫《詩緝》的目的依然是「以《詩》說教」。他對於「首序」全面尊重,以為出於國史之手,至於「後序」則時見他提出異議。嚴粲也認為孔子決定了詩篇的去留,解詩時則是繼承了美刺說詩的方式,強調解出詩的言外之意的重要性。 嚴粲的解經方法非常傳統,主要是採「以本經解本經」、「以他經解本經」、「以本傳解本經」、「以他傳解本經」的漢學方式,透過蒐集、整理、分析、考辨、歸納等步驟來疏解經義,當然這也是極為務實的訓釋方法。 在嚴粲所處的南宋晚期時代,經典詮釋者多想擺脫舊說束縛,以開創另一片新天地,此時嚴粲的《詩緝》一方面配合時代的需求與習尚,以理學與文學來說《詩》,一方面卻又守住傳統的研經方式,解經時尊重舊說,還為毛、鄭之說費心辨解、析論,這種多重視維的解經方式在當時反而顯得別樹一格。不過,我們仍然必須指出,《詩緝》的解詩面向雖是多重的,在宋代相關著作中也屬優秀,但對於前人所給予的超高評價,還是得持保留的態度。


Three approaches in interpreting classics, namely the approach of the learning of the Confucian Classics, the approach of the learning of the Principle and that of literature, were adopted in Shiji. This paper aims to examine the overall picture of the approach of the learning of the Confucian Classics witnessed in Shiji and exposit the characteristics in Yan Can's interpretation of the Classics. However, when facing the Chinese traditional Classics, there are very close relation between the methods of interpretation used by the interpreters and their own attitudes towards the Classics. This may go to the extreme that their attitudes are important elements in determining the methods employed. Therefore, this paper, though, studies the characteristics of Yan Can's interpretation of Classics from a methodological approach, must also observes his attitudes toward Shying and the overall impression of the school of Maoshih. Yan Can accepted the kind of interpretation model of moral teaching reflected in the Preface. The aim of his writing of the Shiji was still ”using Shying to achieve moral teaching.” He had complete respect for the ”First Preface.” He thought that it was the writing of the national historians. He held different opinions against the ”Last Preface” from time to time. Yan Can also believed that it was Confucius who determined the selection of ancient poems. In his interpretations of Shijing, he inherited the idea of praising and satirizing. He emphasized the importance of the meanings of the poems beyond words. The methods employed by Yan Can in his interpretation are very traditional. The model used in sinology was used. Basically, it adopted the method of ”using the same classic to interpret the target classic,” ”using the other classics to interpret the target classic,” ”using the commentaries to interpret the target classic,” and ”using commentaries of other classics to interpret the target classic.” By means of collecting, grouping, sorting out, analyzing, examining and inducing data, he interpreted the meaning of the classics. All these steps, of course, are very realistic methods of interpretation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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