


Chinese Historical Drama "Romance of the Three Kingdoms": A Construction and Representation of Masculinities




趙庭輝(Daniel Ting-Huei Chao)


大陸歷史劇 ; 三國演義 ; 陽剛特質 ; 建構與再現 ; 精神分析 ; Chinese Historical Drama ; Romance of the Three Kingdoms ; Masculinities ; Construction and Representation ; Psychoanalysis




77期(2005 / 10 / 01)


31 - 52




本文的基本立場認為,台灣目前的歷史劇研究,忽略電視文本的分析,然而文本的特殊性是暸解歷史劇能夠造成流行性的原因。本文採取英國學者J. Mcguigan建議的流行藝術取向,藉由電視與電影的美學分析方法,選擇大陸歷史劇進入台灣時期,最值得關注的《三國演義》作為研究對象,目的在於瞭解這齣大陸歷史劇如何選擇與組合文本的結構性元素,透過影像美學、敘事風格、文化符碼與性別政治等四個層面,建構與再現陽剛特質。


The position of this research is that the study of historical television drama in Taiwan ignores textual analysis at present. Nevertheless, textual specificity is the key point to comprehend the popularity of historical television drama. It adopts 'The Popular Arts Approach' suggested by British researcher J. McGuigan, based on the method of aesthetic analysis from television and film studies, choosing Romance of the Three Kingdoms as the research case. Romance of the Three Kingdoms was the remarkable Chinese historical drama in the earliest stage of entering into Taiwan. The aims of this research are, to understand how Romance of the Three Kingdoms chooses and organizes the structural elements of text, and constructs and represents masculinities from four dimensions including visual aesthetics, narrative styles, cultural codes, and gender politics.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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