This article investigates the existence and alteration of ”Xian-Hua-Diao” in zheng music. The melodic forms, performing teniques and its stylistic features are examined to show the different characteristics among zheng music schools. From the aspect of style, northern zheng schools are well-known by their strong and tinkle sound. On the other hand, southern zheng schools are more gentle and flexible in form. From the aspect of melodic phrase, the northern zheng schools emphasize on its original folk song melody by playing with rhythmic change and performing ornamentation. On the contrary, the southern zheng schools focus on the change of form, pitch, rhythm, melody and phrasing. The melodic application of ”Xian-Hua-Diao” in zheng music is mainly extracted from folk song. Some of them are also based on the intermediate of narrative music and drama music. To the conclusion, the researcher points out the characteristics and significances of different zheng music schools, and reveals their different phrasing, ornamentation, and other stylistic factors by examining, the exsistence and alteration of ”Xian-Hua-Diao” in zheng music.