Ever since the information revolution after 1960s, creation via digital computer design has been a significant form in contemporary art. However, the controversies surrounding this new form of art have never ceased after video and new media art made their fist debut at an international art exhibition in 1980s. The discord results from a rupture between traditional art and new media because the latter, on one hand, features the novelty of advanced digital technology and, on the other hand, includes the irresistible real-time experiences and interactive effects. Today, the new media is still characterized by cross-subject collaboration (as the creation between artists and engineers), new-technological experiments (as the new sensor devices and equipments), the combination of art and commercial development (as art and fashion), theater performance (as the combination of stage space and new media image) and so on. All of them advocate a new coalition between creative thinking and technological potential. Nevertheless, how could the western new media art embodies the oriental creative concept in terms of viewers' participation in the creative work? To be more specific, how can it be possible for viewers to fully understand the artists’ contemplation on the meditation experience and their Zenistic concept when their directly interact with the art work by touching them, feeling the space transition, experiencing voice control or the interplay between light and shadow? Hence, the study enveadors to discuss new media in terms of Zenistic expression. It will induce the interaction between new media and oriental Zenism by analyzing the artists' creative thoughts, ways of approach, and content of creation under the oriental and occidental cultural differences.
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