


A Metaphor Research on the Cloud-Electricity Patterns of Early Bronze of Shang Dynasty




原來(Leo Yuan)


商代 ; 青銅器 ; 紋飾 ; 雲紋 ; Shang Dynasty ; bronze ; Cloud patterns Part




84期(2009 / 04 / 01)


59 - 74






In this paper, the main object for analysis is the bronze unearthed from Pan-long City during the 4th to 6th period of Shang Dynasty. The bronze is inlaid with animal-mask decoration as a motif, around which ”yun” (cloud) and ”dian” (electricity) patterns are mostly inlaid as a supporting system. Here the ”yun” (cloud) and ”dian” (electricity) patterns appear like the characters ”yun” (cloud) and ”dian” (electricity) on the Oracle Bone Script. Thus, through these ancient literature and archaeological evidence we can prove that a wizard system did exist in the ancient time. The wizard system must have evolved a great deal over time. At first the communication power with the Heaven was freely spread among the common households. Later such privilege to appeal to the Gods was confiscated and granted to only the witches or wizards and the kings. This theocracy was then further coupled with the irrational acts of divination, by which the witch and the wizard communicated with the Heaven. All these evidences found in the ancient literature have provided a reasonable inference that the ruling class must have used the bronze as a means to communicate with the God, trying to make an illusion that they themselves were sacred and divine, so as to strengthen and consolidate their ruling power. It is proved that those ”yun” or ”dian” patterns supporting the main animal-mask motifs must have been carved there to assist the animal-mask decoration to communicate with the Heaven.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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