


An Exploration of Action Research in Community Participatory Video-A Case Study of Dongshan Community Documentary Project




莊育振(Yu-Cheng Chuang);吳雅俐(Ya-Li Wu)


社區影片 ; 參與式影片 ; 紀錄片 ; 行動研究 ; community video ; participatory video ; documentary film ; action research




87期(2010 / 10 / 01)


215 - 241




台灣紀錄片從日據時期發展至今,形式經過一連串轉變,早期影片功能多爲政令宣導,近年來則普遍以小人物、民眾生活爲主題。九○年代以後,台灣教育科系多元發展,影片製作、大眾傳播相關系所紛紛成立,培育不少獨立影片製作者。近十年來,影片與社會事件具代表性的結合,可回顧至一九九九年發生「九二一集集大地震」。當時災情造成全台重創,許多影片工作者拿起攝影機進入災區,以紀錄片型式拍攝社區重建過程,地方發展逐漸透過影片被看見。二十世紀末期數位資訊化的進展,影響了數位設備價格平民化,影片記錄者開始跳脫過去專業領域走向大眾。二○○一年開始,文建會鼓勵民眾以「社區影像」記錄社區生活與地方故事,居民逐漸產生影像記錄之新觀念。然而,地方民眾雖擁有錄像設備,卻缺少足夠的影片拍攝經驗,往往累積片段的錄像素材,無法組織成一部有系統的影片。台灣主流的紀錄片拍攝通常以獨立製作爲主,透過導演觀點構思影片內容,往往影片即成爲「導演作品」,通常無法全然表達社區的聲音。有鑑於此,本研究導入「參與式影片」(Participatory Video)的概念,試圖融入當地居民的參與,以表達社區觀點。本研究選擇透過社區參與的模式,進行社區影片拍攝。在兩年的研究期間,透過執行兩次行動研究循環,完成兩部社區影片,探討社區影片朝向參與式影片的轉折經驗。本研究核心在於探討社區影片製作前、中、後,影片拍攝者(即研究者)與社區居民互動情形,討論合作過程所遭遇之問題與解決之道。研究目的爲:建構參與式社區影片製作之雙方角色與分工功能。其次,提供一種漸進式引導社區居民參與的影片製作之行動研究設計。最後分析參與式影片製作模式之成果,建立一套參與式社區影片製作合作方式。本研究之成果與實務經驗,未來將能提供給專業的影片工作者與社區居民,對於如何建構社區影像紀錄與社區參與式影片,提供一種實務執行上的參考模式與專業建議。


Since the Japanese Colonial Period end in 1945, the documentary film in Taiwan has gone through several stages. Political propaganda was the first purpose for community documentaries in Taiwan; recent developments focus on daily life themes of local communities. Since 1990, independent documentary filmmakers educated from the academic education system have dominated the mainstream of community documentary film in Taiwan. In 1999, the ”921 Earthquake” was a major disaster greatly impacting Taiwanese communities; the community rebuilding process has been revealed through independent documentary filmmakers' lenses. Since 2001, Taiwan's Council for Cultural Affairs has encouraged these communities to document their daily lives and local stories. However, without enough filmmaking experience and training, the local communities usually have had difficulties to construct a completed film. In addition, the mainstream documentary filmmaking is based on the independent documentary filmmaker, speaking through the directors' point of view. The directors' documentary may not necessarily reflect the voice of these communities. In this research, with the introduction of ”Participatory Video”, local communities are able to participate in the community video making process, in order to express their own voices. Therefore, in this research, through the model of Participatory Video, community videos have been filmed. Within a two-year period, through an action research method, this research focused on the process of community video making. The goals of this research are to 1) construct the roles of making community Participatory Videos, and 2) explore the community oriented action research model for Participatory Video. Finally, we will provide a cooperative model for making Participatory Videos. The outcome of this research is expected to provide experience and practical Participatory Video models for communities and independent community video filmmakers.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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