


Interaction of Children's Aesthetic Pleasure and Text Structure of Picture Book




賴玉釵(Yu-Chai Lai)


美感體驗 ; 敘事結構 ; 接收美學 ; 審美期待 ; 繪本 ; aesthetic experience ; narrative ; reception aesthetics ; aesthetic expectation ; picture book




88期(2011 / 04 / 01)


135 - 160






Reception aesthetics paradigm mentioned aesthetic responses coming from interaction of audience's horizon and textual structure. Interaction between audience and text could be regarded as ”hermeneutics circle”, like Heidegger and Gadamer have pointed out. From reception aesthetics perspective, we can bring different ways to think about the ontology of audience, communication processes, and the essence of aesthetic responses in communication studies. This article want to discuss interaction between children's aesthetic horizon and picture book's text structure to elaborate the process of children's aesthetic communication.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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