The purpose of the study is to explore the consumers ' preference and cognition for creativity design derived from traditional culture, and to identify the important cultural design features and form attributes. To identify the attractive and important attributes of cultural product design, Kano model is used to explore the relationships between quality performance and consumer preference from the case study of cultural figure designs. Firstly, factor analysis was used to explore the users' perceptions of cultural figure designs, from which three main factors: cultural identification factor, delight factor and individualization factor were identified. Moreover, each factor has different effects on consumer preference of cultural figure design. Then the Kano's regression method was conducted The 13 cultural attributes were categorized as different Kano's classifications, including must-be quality one-dimensional quality and indifferent quality. Furthermore, three factors could also be classified into different Kano's classifications. This imp lies that there exist linear and non-linear relationships between cultural attributes performance and consumer preference of cultural figure designs. Based on the result of Kano categorization can help designers to better understand consumer requirements, to identify the critical and high-return factors of consumer satisfaction, and to resolve the trade-off dilemma in multiple-criteria decision making. Finally, Quantitative theory type I was used to explore the relationship between consumer preference and form design attributes. The result indicates the critical cultural design feature and form attributes for figure designs, and it can provide useful insights for designing cultural figures for enhancing consumer satisfaction.
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