The aesthetic interaction process triggered by statements of fiction and non-fiction is a concept widely developed by reader-response criticism. For example, in the 18th century, Baumgarten, the father of aesthetics, highlighted the importance of ”fabricating” to aesthetic reaction. However, few researchers have addressed the difference between aesthetic reactions triggered by statements of fiction and non-fiction. Non-fiction picture books are based on history, autobiography, intellectual books, and real events. In non-fiction picture books, most of the inviting structure is comprised of visual elements, represented objects, pointing systems (composed contexts), and schematized levels. However, when considering non-fiction (based on reality or real history), picture narrators must consider the visual performance of real events and the environment when presenting pictures. Composed contexts can easily cause readers to associate with the real world, allowing readers to better understand the life and events surrounding the protagonist through pictures. The presentation of non-fiction picture books can affect the expectations of readers about statements from the book. The process of filling in knowledge gaps might easily be taken from daily life, arousing echoes of the hard life faced by the protagonist. The aesthetic interaction process created by non-fiction picture books can be varied by the real life experiences. Readers may see picture books from perspectives of recognition and sympathy, which are different from visual-oriented fiction picture books that emphasize fantastic themes.
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