


Introspection of "Digital Natives" and "Constructing Learning"-A Pedagogic Study of Autonomy-Oriented Learning in Digital Art Practices


林昭宇(Chao-Yu Lin)


數位原民 ; 建構主義 ; 自主學習 ; 數位藝術創作 ; Digital natives ; Constructivism ; autonomous learning ; Digital Art practices




94期(2014 / 04 / 01)


1 - 28




數位原民(Digital Natives)世代學生沉浸於數位科技文化的潮流下,其處理訊息的方式以及行為特徵與過去截然不同。為了形塑不同於教師為知識傳授中心的學習環境,運用學習者為中心的教學理念,使數位原民學生易於獲得更佳的學習經驗。因此本研究皆在探究以建構教學之自主學習性導向為核心的數位藝術教學策略,影響數位原民學生之學習動機與策略的因素。透過文獻探討檢視四個面向:(1)數位原民之行為特徵;(2)建構主義之理論基礎;(3)學習動機之概念;(4)自主學習之策略,用來研擬以學習者為中心之數位藝術創作的教學策略與課程實施,並歸納出影響其學習動機之因素。本研究運用問卷調查法,分析建構教學設計之四個構面:「自發學習願景」、「多元教學內容」、「學習任務設計」、「自訂學習策略」,引發學生自主學習動機的關鍵因素。研究結果顯示,自主學習因素支持多數的數位原民學生,以自我經驗為基礎,主動地建構知識內容,包括:「自我需求因素」、「預期表現因素」、「課程設計因素」、「學習策略因素」。本文提供自主學習性導向之數位藝術教學建議及相關議題研究之參考。


Students of digital native generation immersed in the trends of digital technology and culture. Their way of processing messages as well as the behavioral characteristics is very different from the past. In order to shift from current teacher-centered structure in the learning environment, the application of learner-centered educational structure for digital native students could easily get a better learning experience. Based on learner-centered educational structure, this study therefore aimed to explore the autonomy-oriented learning as the core of Digital Art teaching strategies and the factors in the impact of digital native students' learning motivation and strategies. The literature review discussed four dimensions: (1) digital natives' behavioral styles; (2) constructivism learning theory; (3) concept of motivation to learn; (4) autonomous learning. These four dimensions were used to develop learner-centered Digital Art creation of pedagogic strategies and course implementation and summarized the factors affecting their motivation for learning. In this study, questionnaires were used to analysis the key 4 factors (i.e. autonomous learning of vision, multi-content teaching, design of learning task and self-learning strategy) in students' learning motivation. The results showed that autonomous learning factors support most digital native students' self-experience to actively constructing knowledge, including self needs, performance expectations, course design and learning strategy. This research al so provides suggestions of autonomy-oriented learning in Digital Art pedagogy and the related issues for further research.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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