


Self-Narratives of Taiwanese Hakka Women: A study of Their Life Stories and Ethnic Identity in Visual Artwork


許如婷(Ju-Ting Hsu);羅原廷(Yuan-Ting Lo)


女性藝術 ; 客家 ; 族群 ; 認同 ; 客家女性 ; 生命故事 ; Women's art ; Hakka ; Ethnic ; Identity ; Life Stories




94期(2014 / 04 / 01)


57 - 85




本研究以客家女性藝術創作者以及她們的作品為研究主題,探討客家女性由女人觀點出發,她們在「女人」、「客家」兩者身分中,藉由藝術創作,欲傳達甚麼生命故事、女人經驗與族群認同。在研究方法應用上,以深度訪談法的「生活史訪談法」(life history interviews)為主,並輔以文本與文獻分析法進行討論。研究發現,客家女性在創作中,她們以女性的立場出發,敘說自己成長過程中,離開原鄉的鄉愁記憶;自敘受到客家女人的傳統觀念束縛,她們籍由創作而療癒、沉澱的心情;以女人經驗出發,在創作中分享日常生活經驗的真誠態度;甚至,在日常進行家務過程,將家用品與藝術結合的創作靈感。因此,客家女性創作者,在不斷敘說與藝術創作的過程,找到了自我認同,甚至藉由對自我成長歷程的自敘及生命經驗的凝視,書寫了屬於她們自己的生命故事。


This study attempts to examine artwork by Hakka women and to explore how Hakka female artists, while being both female and of Hakka origin, express their life stories, experiences, and ethnic identity through their artistic creations. The study employs a series of in-depth life-history interviews with a number of Hakka female artists, complemented with approaches of text analysis and document analysis. It will be shown that the examined Hakka female artists take the standpoint of women in their works to express nostalgia toward their hometowns they left at a young age. Their self-narratives also suggest that through art creations, these female artists feel a sense of healing and sedation from constrains of Hakka traditions. In their works they share the genuineness of daily life as they have experienced it, as they find muse in the combination of life and art as engaged in daily chores. Therefore, from the process of self-narration and artistic creation, these Hakka female artists have found their identities, and during the journey of growing-up and daily experiences, they are writing a life story of their own.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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