The relationship of emerging art form and digital phenomenon in the contemporary digital culture is evolutionary and synchronized. Through interaction among different media cultures and generations with diver e backgrounds over the world, the construction of meanings for the text of visual images merge, producing a variety of artistic styles. Based upon Jacques Derrida's Deconstruction philosophy (differance, translated as difference, derivation. or extension), this study applies an artistic audit research method to examine how the digital native generation constructs visual meanings and relates to the social context through creative artworks. The multiple meanings that visual images convey differ due to trends, environments, cultural experiences, and knowledge backgrounds. Samples are selected through "purposeful sampling" to analyze the interactivity of the creative subject and the environment. While the evolution of art is constantly under query, the research concludes that (I) Digital culture endorses the space-time rheology philosophy of Derrida as the virtual environment accelerates the deconstruction and reorganization of visual symbols within an established meaning chain, nourishing manifold creative theme of digital natives such a myth and fantasy; (2) Through spatial and temporal differance within the digital culture, visual objects and their symbolic meanings evolve and new visual aesthetics develop, demonstrating a staggered dialogue pattern involving digital native's personal experience and external environment which carries the subjective value of creative text.
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