


Research of Job Satisfaction of Juvenile Correction School's Staffs: An Example of Cheng-Jhing High School




邱冠斌(Kuanpin Philip Chiu);林宥節(You-Jie Lin)


少年矯正學校 ; 工作滿意度 ; 學校教職員 ; 誠正中學 ; Juvenile Correction School ; Job Satisfaction ; School Staff ; Cheng-Jheng High School




6期(2009 / 06 / 01)


105 - 127




本研究旨在探討少年矯正學校誠正中學教職員的工作滿意度,因不同個人屬性變項(性別、婚姻、年齡、學歷背景)及不同工作屬性變項(在本校任職年資、所任職務類型)的差異性及內外在工作滿意皮之相關性。本研究採用問卷調查法,以少年矯正學校誠正中學教職員為普查對象,共計發出問卷136份,回收有效問卷122份,可用率為90%。 本研究發現工作滿意度構面由高至低依序是:人際關係、工作特質、社會地位、工作本身、工作環境、主管領導、薪資福利。就個人與工作屬性變項而言,性別與婚姻狀況在工作滿意度各構面及整體工作滿意皆無顯著差異存在。30歲及以下的城正中學教職員在主管領導、工作環境、人際關係、社會地位、工作特質與整體工作滿意度構面上滿意度高於41~46歲的教職員。大學畢業的誠正中學教職員在工作本身反社會地位構面上滿意度高於高中、職畢業之教職員。 就任職年資來說,任職年資7~9年的誠正中學教職員在工作本身的構面上滿意度高於任職4~6年的教職員,任職年資3年及以下的誠正中學教職員在主管領導、工作環境、薪資福利、社會地位、工作特質與整體工作滿意度構面上滿意度高於任職4~6年的教職員。 就所任職類型來說,其他職員在人際關係構面上滿意度高於教導員,教師在工作本身、社會地位構面上滿意度高於警衛隊員。就外內在工作滿意皮之相關性而言,外在工作滿意度之主管領導、工作環境、人際關你、薪資福利與內在工作滿意度的工作本身、社會地位、工作特質三個層面有正相關存在。


The purpose of this study is to explore the job satisfaction and the differences between personal attribute variables (gender, marital status, age and educational background) and work attribute variables (seniority, position type), as well as the correlation of extrinsic and intrinsic job satisfaction of Chengjheng Juvenile Correction School's staffs. Total staff of 136 were surveyed by questionnaire and 122 copies were returned with 90% return rate. This study found that the rank of job satisfaction was stated as follows: interpersonal relationship, work characteristics, social status, work itself, work environment, executive leadership, salary and welfare. Among personal and work attribute variables, there was no significant difference of overall job satisfaction from gender and marital status. Staffs who are 30 years old and below at Chengjheng high school have higher satisfaction in executive leadership, work environment, interpersonal relationship, social status, and work characteristics, as well as overall job satisfaction than those who are 41 to 46. Staffs graduated from university have higher satisfactions in work itself and social status than those who graduated from senior and vocational school. Regarding seniority, staffs with tenure of between 7-9 years at Chengjheng high school have higher satisfaction in work itself than those with 4-6 years. Staffs with tenure of 3 years and less have higher satisfaction in executive leadership, work environment, salary and welfare, social status, and work characteristics, as well as overall job satisfaction than those with 4-6 years. Guiders at Chengjheng high school have lower satisfaction in interpersonal relationship than other staffs. However, teachers have higher satisfaction in work characteristics, and overall job satisfaction than security guards. Moreover, extrinsic job satisfaction of executive leadership, work environment, interpersonal relationship, salary and welfare are found positively correlated to intrinsic job satisfaction of work itself; social status, and work characteristics.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 管理學
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