


Isolated Island Phenomenon of Development for the Direct Election of Township Head in Mainland China: Change, Problems and Reform




柳金財(Chin-Tsai Liu)


鄉鎮長直選 ; 黨國體系 ; 政績升遷 ; 黨管幹部原則 ; 孤島現象 ; Direct Election of Township Head ; Party-state System ; Performance and Promotion ; Principle of Party-controlled Cadres ; Isolated lsland Phenomenon




9期(2011 / 12 / 01)


199 - 218






As China launched the direct election in the township head level, the incremental grass-root politics is paving the way to build a reformed incentive mechanism and low-level democracy. There is an on-going debate between innovation theory and stability theory for the township head elections. The former argues that direct election does not involve any violation of constitution Therefore election is the solutions to claim regime legitimacy, remain party control over rules and proceedings, strengthen political check and balance, reduce the bureaucratic corruption, and moderate social conf1icts. But the stability theory contends that direct election is not the only effective way of governance. It maybe revives family-based inf1uence; legitimize mafia, cause vote-buying, and contributing to negative impact on social control. This paper examines the direct election cases to illustrate the main motivation of promotion comes from the tacit consent and support of local party-state system. Local leadership launches various political innovations in village elections in order to obtain performance and promotion. But the efforts create dilemma and controversy, including the debate of benign violation of constitution vs. reform in violation of the law, the ambiguity of reform attitude, and principle of party-controlled cadres. This paper concludes that most reforms in township elections are only case-by-case trial and have not developed into a comprehensive systematic reform. Individual local innovation can not make a wave to change the ”isolated island” phenomenon and dilemma.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 管理學
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