


Research of the Strategic Planning and Development of the Night Market of Railway Rear Station in Hsinchu City




黃國敏(Edward K. Hwang);倪克玟(Ke-Wen Ni)


觀光夜市 ; 策略規劃 ; 新竹市 ; Night Market ; Strategic Planning ; Hsinchu City




10期(2012 / 06 / 01)


73 - 90






The main objective of this research is that probing into the way to operate the night market Railway Rear Station in Hsinchu city and development in the future.Collecting data by visiting, and dissect to these data using SWOT analysis to get the results. Analyzing from location, traffic, business time-slice, popular commodities and food of variety fields, found the result that are strengths of the night market of Railway Rear Station in Hsinchu city. On the other hand, the weakness and threat of it is that the facilities are not handy enough and environmental protection, internationalization and a large number of tourists are the opportunity of it to be a international scenic spot.Finally, the results of data analysis should offer reference information to the relevant units for developing the tendency of the night market of Railway Rear Station in Hsinchu city.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 管理學
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