


A Study of Impacts on Junior High School Student's Gender-Role Attitude through Teaching Program of Gender Equality: The Case of Hsinchu County Junior High School




葉嘉楠(Chia-Nan Yeh);王秀伶(Shiou-Ling Wang)


性別角色 ; 性別角色態度 ; 性別平等教育 ; Gender Role ; Gender Role Attitude ; Gender Equity Education




12期(2013 / 06 / 01)


123 - 146






The main purposes of this study are: 1. testing the effects of the implementation of the Ministry of Education committee's teaching program for students' gender role attitudes. 2. discussing the effects of the teaching program on the different sex of experimental group. 3. improving students' gender bias through the teaching program.This research methods use experimental design. Students in the seventh grade of Hsinchu County junior high school were assigned four classes as experimental group (123 people) and another four classes as control group (125 people), a total of 248 people. The experimental group received the ”gender equality education program” course a total of five teaching program, the ten-week courses and lessons in the implementation of health education; the control group did not accept the ”gender equality education program” course. In this study, ”Teenagers Gender Role Attitude Scale” was the measuring tool. ”Teenagers Gender Role Attitude Scale” was administered to the subjects before and after the program.The following are the main findings of this study:1. The effects of ”Teaching Program of Gender Equality” on improving gender-role attitude.2. The effects of ”Teaching Program of Gender Equality” on the different sex of experimental group.In sum, ”Teaching Program of Gender Equality have Positive effects on student's gender-role attitude. Both male and female have obvious effect, but female is better than male. Finally, according to our research findings, several implications about the educators were discussed, and future research was suggested.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 管理學
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