


Application of Self-efficacy Theory to Performance Enhancement of Educational Administrators




戰寶華(Pao-Hwa Chan);陳惠珍(Weigh-Jen Chen);余怡芳(Yi-Fang Yu)


自我效能 ; 教育行政人員 ; 工作績效 ; Self-efficacy ; Educational Administrator ; Job Performance




17期(2015 / 12 / 01)


45 - 64






This study aims to explore the application of self-efficacy theory on enhancing job performance of educational administrators. Because the educational administrators have decisive influence on achievement of educational goals, practice of educational ideas and sustained management of educational organization, it’s an extreme key factor to develop the effective thinking and mechanism of administrative execution to improve the administrative performance. The documentary research method was used to emphasize on multiple meanings of self-efficacy theory and the practical perspective. With the analysis of the resources orientation of self-efficacy formation and the interior and exterior related variables of job performance, the study actually integrates the theory and the practical application of improving job performance. Thereby, in order to enhance job performance effectively by strengthening perception of educational administrators’ self-efficacy, a three-dimension framework based on the research findings is proposed. It consists of self-improvement, the construction of thinking, and the usage of organizational mechanism. In addition, the application of eight elements and sixteen concrete measures are also included. Results of the research are helpful for the educational administrator’s reflection, future academic research, and administrative practices.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 管理學
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