


The Study of Smartphone Using behaviors and Addition: Cases from Three High School Students of Hsinchu City




葉嘉楠(Chia-Nan Yeh);陳欣瑤(Hsin-Yao Chen)


手機使用行為 ; 手機成癮 ; 高中學生 ; Smartphone Using Behaviors ; Smartphone Addiction ; High School Students




20期(2017 / 06 / 01)


129 - 149






The study surveys 638 high school students of Hsinchu City to explore using behaviors and tendencies of smartphone addition. The conclusion of the research findings is as follows: 1. Smartphone use periods of high school students are: 1-3hours below is 42.95%; 3-5 hours below is 30.09%; 5 hours and above is 8.78%. 2. The top three smartphone using behaviors of high school students are: listening music, messenger, line, what's app), and online surfing learning materials. 3. Five dimensions average of smartphone addition from highest to lowest are: tolerance, compulsive use, time management, withdrawal syndrome, as well as interpersonal and health-related problems. 4. On the classification of smartphone addition, normal level is 26.5%; warning level is 52.5%; dangerous level is 21%.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 管理學
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