


A Study of Organizational Change in Civil Sports Center Management: The Case of China Youth Corps




簡全亮(Chien, Chuan-Liang);駱騰昆(Luo, Teng-kun);吳明翰(Wu, Ming-Han)


委託民間經營管理 ; 公共運動設施 ; 企業轉型 ; 結構變革 ; 脈絡論 ; Operate-transfer (OT) ; Public Sports Facility ; Enterprise Transformation ; Structure Change ; Contextualism




22期(2018 / 06 / 30)


119 - 129






As a private entity, China Youth Corps (CYC) is the most frequent bidding winner of government Operate-Transfer(OT) projects for managing(civil)sports center in Taiwan (CYC has won 14 OT cases and 9 out of 14 are in operation mode). In 2010, CYC conducted an organizational change to ensure the management competence of sustaining sound operation in running sports centers. Researchers found that the organizational change triggered no significant side effects within CYC internal. Since the opening of CYC sports center management division in 2010 (renamed as sports industry division in 2013), the sites numbers, total service counts and operation revenue in CYC sports center OT cases are soaring gradually. Thus, the case of CYC is deemed as a successful organizational change. To investigate the organizational change history and current practices of CYC via exploratory research approach and aim to mark a vital cornerstone for the future work of organizational change study. The case study and document analysis methods as well as semi-structured interviews are adopted in this research. The director of CYC sports industry division is interviewed in this study. Firstly, the background information and the history of CYC organizational change are explored. Secondly, the underlying conceptual framework for sustaining the success of CYC organizational change is examined, including core value, internal process management, relationship management, information management, human resource management, leadership education). Finally, the future development of organization is addressed. The findings of this study indicates that this edition of CYC organizational change started in 2010 is different with the two major changes occurred in 1987 and 2003 in CYC previously; It is deemed as a well-prepared project by adjusting the necessary organization structures and reallocating resources to accomplish the organization development goal and minimize the exogenous impact and challenges.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 管理學
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