


The Study of the Management of the Hsin-Chu Recorder Orchestra: A Case Study of the Music Course Education




胡至沛(Chih-Pei Hu);賴秋伶(Chiu-Ling Lai)


非營利組織 ; 新竹直笛合奏團 ; 音樂課 ; Non-Profit Organizations ; Hsin-Chu Recorder Orchestra ; Music Course




23期(2018 / 12 / 31)


85 - 111






The music curriculum in Taiwan has undergone many reforms. The teaching methodology has evolved to a professional way of teaching rather than just a normal music lesson as before. However, the total number of teaching hours has reduced. In the latest updated curriculum, it stated the Recorder is a musical instrument to be taught. All these changes have a great impact on both the teachers and students. The teaching methodology of the Hsin-Chu Recorder Orchestra was introduced in several elementary schools and junior high schools to align with this reformation in music education, and the result is excellent. This study is through both theory and real life experience. It analyzes and discuss the development and change process of Taiwan music curriculum. It further elaborates the forming and development of Hsin-Chu Recorder Orchestra. Through the relevant theory, it reviews the pros and cons of the current strategy, how this strategy could support the music education system. The main findings of this study are: First, the number of members has increased steadily. Participants are required to pay group fees and purchase related equipment at their own expense. Parents have a good social and economic status and their financial ability is sufficient to support the expenses. In addition, the vast majority of teachers are playing masters, and there is no doubt about professionalism. Through media and online marketing, the orchestra's visibility is greatly increased. Second, the funds are still insufficient to hire a full-time administrative manpower and purchase large-scale musical instruments. The group training venue is still a business-to-state classroom, which is not conducive to normal practice and performance. Third, the orchestra enters the campus and is mainly a school that introduces its teaching system. In the future, it can conduct campus tour and direct performances in the countryside, and has already turned to professional transformation. The results of various competitions and performances have also won outstanding performances in Hsinchu County. The orchestra has established a small reputation on the basis of Taiwan, and has also won many foreign invited performances, gradually emerging in the international arena. Finally, the cost of purchasing musical instruments is still a big burden, and the cost of external teachers is also quite large. In addition, the flute is less susceptible to mainstream instruments such as orchestral ensembles because of its small volume.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 管理學
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