Since the commissioner Lin Mingxuan inaugurated his first term in December 2014, it finds that the objective competitiveness of the Nantou County Government is better in education and culture, public safety and firefighting, but is less competitive in economy and employment, environmental protection and environmental quality, public security, health care, quality of life and modernization, and social welfare, then hurt her overall competitiveness. Therefore, the Nantou County Government must strive to strengthen the economy and employment, environmental protection (air pollution), public security, health care, quality of life and modernization and social welfare dimensions. However, according to the recent 6 polls datasets analyses in the Global Vision Magazine, it shows that Nantou County people are most dissatisfied with "economic and employment", followed by "police public security" and "roads and traffic". Therefore, the most important units are the Construction Department, which is responsible for investment and economy, the Social and Labor Department, which is responsible for employment, the Police Department, responsible for public security, and the Public Works Department, which is responsible for roads and traffic. If the Nantou County Government could continue to work on important issues and strengthen the performance marketing, Commissioner Lin should be successfully re-elected. As matter of fact, the Commissioner Lin won 194,172 ballots, which is 66.63% in the local election on November 24, 2018. Since Commissioner Lin inaugurated his second term in December 2018, there have been two existed polls showing relatively stabilizing satisfaction.
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