


Relationship between Role Stress and Work Withdrawal Tendency Using Psychological Capital as a Moderator




陳殷哲(Yin-Che Chen);賴儀娟(Yi-Juan Lai)


角色壓力 ; 心理資本 ; 職場退縮傾向 ; Role Stress ; Psychological Capital ; Job Withdrawal Intention




28期(2021 / 06 / 30)


45 - 77






When individuals develop the role stress, they would resort to personal resources to respond. However, when personal resources decrease in quantity, individuals who are subject to stress tend to withdraw from work to avoid exhaustion. Any form of withdrawal from work can negatively affect organizational productivity and cause companies relevant administrative expenses. This study employed convenience sampling to recruit full-time employees as research participants, and 317 questionnaires were collected for follow-up data analysis. The analyses indicated that role stress positively affected participants' tendency to withdraw from work. Meanwhile, psychological capital enhanced the relationship between role stress and negative work behaviors while it decreased the association among role stress, absenteeism, role conflict, and work withdrawal tendency. It's suggested that government sections concerned implement stress-reduction policies to decrease the amount of role stress experienced by employees. Furthermore, the plan intended for the intervention of human capital should be offered to effectively assist employees to deal with stress. Meanwhile, a fair system of position rotation should be established so that the quality of work can be enhanced.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 管理學
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