


The Research on the Female Fraudsters' Career and their Imprisonment Experiences




黃裕玲(Yu-Ling Huang);許華孚(Hua-Fu Hsu);蔡佳頴(Chia-Ying Tsai);黃光甫(Kuang-Fu Huang);劉育偉(Yu-Wei Liu)


女性詐騙 ; 犯罪歷程 ; 一般化緊張理論 ; 日常生活理論 ; 監禁 ; Female Fraudsters ; Criminal Career ; General Strain Theory ; Routine Activity Theory ; Imprisonment




29期(2021 / 12 / 31)


17 - 39






In recent years, fraud has become the most frequent type of crime. The popular development of telecom and internet across time and space with confidential and anonymous characteristics leads fraud crime to be occurred in a particular opportunity. Especially, some females who are supposed to be obedient and submissive are also obviously found as fraud perpetrators. Therefore, this study aims to employ qualitative research method by interviewing six female fraud prisoners. The study focusing on female fraudsters' career and their imprisonment experiences attempts to investigate criminal patterns, life contexts, motivations for crime and fraud tactics within these female fraudsters. Furthermore, judicial conviction records of these female interviewees are also analyzed as the supplement to enhance the comprehensive picture of these female fraudsters' criminal histories. The research firstly bases upon general strain theory combining aspects of social structure and individual affection in order to disclose criminal causes and characters of these female fraudsters. Secondly, their imprisonment experiences shaped by patriarchal regime have be elaborated in regard with discipline and domination in this study. Through the approach of hermeneutics, the intersubjective understanding of discussion and analysis with these six female fraudsters is further crystalized. The research outcomes reveal that the reasons of female fraud crime come from social and affectional pressure as well as neutral tactics of fraud. It is also found that these female fraudsters in prison tend to be positive, active and obedient. In final, the theory of primary prevention, secondary prevention and tertiary prevention is proclaimed to combat with fraud crime as well as appropriate correctional treatments are also suggested. It is hoped that the polices in relation to correctional treatment of female prisoners, particularly female fraudsters, could be properly respected and emphasized.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 管理學
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