The "Regulations Governing the Employment of Part-time Teachers in Tertiary Education Institutions", 2014, outlined principles of employment for part-time teachers in Taiwanese colleges. This legal document, "Regulations Governing the Employment of Part-time Teachers in Tertiary Education Institutions", and all consecutive reductions and amendments to it, are used in this comparative study in order to analyze the underlying reasons for the changes. This research validates effectiveness of a number of components of the "Regulations Governing the Employment of Part-time Teachers in Tertiary Education Institutions", such as Article 16 controls the hourly rates for part-time teachers. Another positive aspect of this legal document is observed in the improved working environment of part-time teachers. On the other hand, the current law is stringent on the norm not to be employed as part-time teachers. At the same time, this law is a special administrative law, applicable to national and private colleges and universities.
汪耀文(2021)。誰是〔兼任教師〕!?─併論〔兼課〕 之釋義與辨析。學校行政,131,90-105。
周兆昱(2016)。大學編制外工作人員契約性質之研究── 以學生兼任工作人員與兼任教師為中心。臺北大學法學論叢,97,79-132。
教育部大專校院校務資訊系統公開平臺: https://udb.moe.edu.tw/DetailReportList/%E6%95%99%E8%81%B7%E9%A1%9E。查詢時間:2022 年 05 月 26 日。
行政院勞工委員會,2014,(103)年勞動 1 字第 1030130055 號公告。