


A Study on the Family Function of Early Intervention Family with Empowerment Perspectives






早期療育 ; 充權 ; 家庭功能 ; early intervention ; empowerment ; family function




3期(2005 / 01 / 01)


51 - 97




本研究的目的為從充權的觀點瞭解早期療育家庭的家庭功能,透過回歸早療使用者-家庭的角度,提供專業工作者與政策制訂者在接觸有關的家庭與議題時,找到接觸家庭正面的態度與管道,回應家庭的能力與需求。研究對象為八名來自某醫學中心之發展遲緩兒童聯合鑑定中心的孩童家屬,運用Bailey et al.(1998)提出之充權模式的家庭訪談題綱、相關文獻及研究者與家庭接觸的經驗,編制半結構性訪談題綱進行為期五個多月的追蹤訪談。 本研究結果包含了家庭對早期療育服務觀點的建構以及早期療育服務對家庭的影響兩大結果。其中在家庭對早期療育服務觀點的建構方面,結果顯示在早期療育服務中家庭是以滾雪球的方式逐漸找尋屬於自己的出路,雖各有其因應之道,但專業間的橫向聯繫不足往往是家庭求助的負向經驗來源;家庭間及與專業的互動中,家庭的主動線索仍少,但與其他早療家庭之間則已逐漸累積其互助的來往方式。另外,在早期療育服務對家庭的影響方面,顯示家庭可以逐漸擁有與發展遲緩孩童共同學習的能力、面對發展遲緩所帶來的不確定性會配合家庭現況並以自己的方式加以詮釋,也會努力維持家庭的生活品質並保有對未來的希望感。 最後根據結果,研究者針對早期療育服務下的家庭充權路徑與家庭系統在問題處理時的失衡與再平衡兩方面加以討論。在本研究中雖然缺乏與專業者的對話,同時研究對象也尚未有在組織中操作權益倡導的經驗,但本研究肯定家庭功能能有正向的發揮,其對於未來家庭與專業關係中的信賴聯盟的建立仍有其啟發之意義。


The study aims to understand the function of the families, who receive the early-intervention services, from the empowerment perspective. Through the responses of the interviewed families, this study can be used as a guideline for professionals and policy makers to identify the strength, the capabilities, and the needs of these families. Bailey et al. (1998) offer a framework for assessing family outcomes in early intervention that is based on the empowerment model. The researcher created a semi-formal questionnaire by Bailey's model, relevant literature, practice experience, and experts test. The main strategy used for data collection was in-depth interviewing with eight families in five months period. The result of the study included the family's experience of early intervention and the impact on the family. The family would find their own way during the different treatment in early intervention.. The result of the study included :the family would find their own way during the different treatment in early intervention, although they thought different professionals' association was insufficient which conduce to the depressing experience of the family. This study also show us the although the families have appeared the cooperation with each other, but they were not prepare well to interact with relevant professionals. And the early intervention service's impact on the family in this study was the family could be accepting the uncertain about developmentally delayed children, maintaining/increasing the life quality, and keeping the hope of the future. According to the result, we address the family empowerment way in early intervention service and the balance or unbalance when the problem is deal with family system. Although in this study we haven't the conversation with other professions, and the families don't have the empowerment experience to organize. But this study confirms that the family has a positively family function and indicate a way to establish the collaboration between families and professionals.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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