


A Study of Family Violence and Sexual Assault on People with Diabilities






身心障礙 ; 家庭暴力 ; 性侵害 ; 智能障礙 ; disability ; family violence ; sexual assault ; intellectual disability




5期(2006 / 01 / 01)


128 - 159






The purpose of this study, based on analyzing two databases of family violence and disability, are three. The first is to protrait the current status of family violence and sexual assault on people with disabilities. The second is to explore the characteristics and social backgrounds of family violence and sexual assault on people with diabilities. The third is to understand the interaction among the preventing systems of family violence and sexual assault. Due to shortages from databases, the researcher cannot predict, based on this study, the prevalence of family violence and sexual on people with diabilities. Previous studies have indicated that the prevalence of family violence and sexual assault on people with disabilities is higher than people without disabilities. The results of this study show that male disabilities are more likely to experience physical abuse than female disabilities, however, female disabilities are more likely to experience sexual abuse than male disabilities. Ninty-five percentage of victims of sexual assault are female, male consists less than 5%. People with physical or psychiatric disability are more likely to be victims of family violence, but people with intellectual disability are more likely to be victims of sexual assault. About 50% of victims of family violence and sexual assaut are from Kaohsiung city, Kaohsiung county and Pintong county, and ninety percentage of victims are reported by both police and health department. 80% abusers of family violence are from family members, relatives or friends. However, the cases of sexual assault by family members, relatives or friends are only 55%. The fact of sexual assault by strangers is desirable to be concerned.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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