


The Adjustments and Needs of the Families of People Living with HIV/AIDS






愛滋感染者 ; 愛滋感染者家屬 ; 同性戀 ; 歧視 ; 社區照顧 ; people infected with HIV/AIDS ; the HIV/AIDS family ; homosexual ; discrimination ; community care




5期(2006 / 01 / 01)


46 - 74






Purpose: Because of stigma and discrimination against people infected with HIV/AIDS, both the people infected with virus and their families are under psychosocial pressure. The author attempts to explore the impact of HIV/AIDS on the families, what difficulties they encounter, and what their needs are. In the conclusion, the author recommends services the families need. Methods: The author interviewed 10 families, and used qualitative method to explore the impact. Findings: The families experience denial, anger, fear and loss when they know their loved ones are infected with HIV/AIDS. They feel shame, and have the pressure of keeping it a secret. Their negative experiences have changed their self-image and their views on society and the future. At times, it is destructive and affects the family relationships and dynamic. Conclusion: The family needs accurate HIV/AIDS information, counseling and support. In addition, they need services provided by non-profit AIDS organizations to solve their practical, financial and care problems.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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