


An Exploring Research on Court-based Social Work Family Conciliation Process






家事調解 ; 社會工作調解員 ; 家事調解歷程 ; family conciliation ; social work conciliator ; family conciliation process




5期(2006 / 01 / 01)


76 - 125






This paper drawn a picture of the cases in court-based family conciliation and a preliminary process of court-based social work family conciliation via the practical social work conciliation team discussed. Research participants and methods: descriptive analysis of 253 case records of Taichung District Court in a period of one year and in-depth interview of 9 conciliators. Result of research: Most of the litigate issues are divorce (71.4%) and guardianship (41.7%). Most of the petitioners/demandants are women (82.2%). The majority litigants are over 36 years old, 87.4% do not have marriage relation or live apart, 93.9% have children and the age of the children are mostly over 7. Many respondents/counterparts are accused/appeared problematically (66.8%), the majority are domestic violence (50.6%). The actual conciliation rate is 52.9% and which is associated with the litigants (sex of the petitioners/demandants, marital status of the litigants, the respondents/counterparts be accused/appeared problematically) and the conciliators' experience (year of the cases, seniority of the conciliators, quantity of caseload). The conciliation process includes three stages and ten tasks, the related skills are also addressed. The result of this research shows that the court-based family conciliation process is a short-term intervention of encouraging the litigants to reasonably cooperate with each other and enhancing an agreeable dispute resolution. Throughout the process, social work conciliators devote to assisting the litigants in negotiating an agreement which they accept and consistent with their children's needs and best interests. Family systems and resources are also emphasized.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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