


Impacts of Local Government Act on Social Welfare Services at Central and Local Level: The Case of Disability Welfare Services






地方自治 ; 地方制度法 ; 分權化 ; 社會福利 ; 身心障礙福利 ; local self-government ; local government act ; decentralization ; social welfare ; disability welfare




6期(2009 / 01 / 01)


38 - 78






In Taiwan, with the 1999 Local Government Act and with the financial distribution from central to local, according to a certain formula, social welfare has become one part of local self-government. Disability welfare as an example, this study aims to explore how the central and the local governments interpret and deal with their new role as the main responsible authority for social welfare, and how this new role affects them. The data adopted included in-depth interviews and mail survey on the head of the Social Bureau of 25 cities and counties. The main findings are: The central government interprets 'local self-government' as decentralizing power, and it adopts the formula system for welfare budget distribution as well as evaluation of the local governments' performance annually as a coping strategy with the changes. For local governments, on the other hand, 'local self-government' means more responsibility on social welfare, more autonomy, as well as more pressure on making their own welfare budget plans. To sum up, local governments have their own independent financial sources and the possibility of developing new programs which suit their local needs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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