
專業主義 v.s. 管理主義:英國社會工作歷史的檢視


Professionalism v.s. Managerialism: The Review of British Social Work History






專業主義 ; 管理主義 ; 英國社會工作 ; 社會工作歷史 ; professionalism ; managerialism ; British social work ; social work history




10期(2012 / 07 / 01)


1+3 - 45






In the process of professionalization, social work has been affected not only by the professionalism but also by managerialism leading to the deprofessionalization in recent years. In order to analyze the situation of the two forces of professionalism and managerialism, this article reviews British social work history with regard to professionalism and managerialism. Hence, we are able to demonstrate the relationship between professionalism and managerialism as well as their effects on social work. Thus, we can point out that how social work should deal with and adapt those statuses.This article divides British social work history into five periods: (1) the period from 19th centuries to the Second World War, (2) the period of post-war welfare state regime (3) Seebohm Reorganization period, (4) the period of Conservative governments, and (5) the period from New Labour government to today. The former three periods reveal the development of professionalism from charity service to ”bureau-professionalism” service delivery model; in latter two periods, managerialism is the mainstream idea until today.According to implications of the history, we propose several issues from three dimensions: (1) professionalism development issues, including the value of application of professionalism in social work, the goals of pursuing professionalism, the comments on ”bureau-professionalism” service delivery model, and the construction of social work by welfare state regime, (2) managerialism influence issues , including the immense influences of managerialism, the transition of professional accountability, and the adaption to managerialism, and (3) issues on specific situations of social work, including the dilemmas of social work between the Right and the Left ,and how we define the social functions and the social value of social work. Finally, we suggest that social work should assess the social, political and economic environments and maintain the missions of social work in order to plan the actions when facing the two forces of professionalism and managerialism.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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