


The Effects of Reminiscence Group Intervention on Well-Being of Community-dwelling Older Adults






懷舊團體 ; 介入研究 ; 生活滿意 ; 老人福祉 ; reminiscence group ; intervention research ; life satisfaction ; well-being of the elderly




10期(2012 / 07 / 01)


119+121 - 152




近年來社區照顧關懷據點紛紛成立,期望藉由據點提供服務給老人,以拓展其社會關係,並促進生理、心理健康,但社區中仍有許多老人從未與關懷據點產生互動,其中有些人可能是較孤立的老人。社會孤立對老人的主觀福祉會產生負面影響,可實施一些介入方案來降低老人的社會孤立或提升主觀福祉,而懷舊團體是其中的一類介入方案。爰此,本研究設計並實施「老人懷舊團體」介入方案,以台南縣西港鄉港東村的社區老人為對象,檢視介入方案對於生活滿意度較低的社區老人之福祉所產生的影響。本研究係採前—後測控制準實驗設計(pre-post test controlled quasi-experimental design)方法,在團體活動開始前一週針對18名老人施予前測,並分出「實驗組」和「控制組」成員各9名;接著針對實驗組成員進行六次團體介入活動,每週聚會一次,每次聚會時間約兩小時,並設計八項主題內容;活動結束後一週再對兩組成員實施後測。研究分析顯示,懷舊團體介入方案,可降低參與老人的抑鬱程度並提高其生活滿意度,但對於減少寂寞感之成效則未具顯著性。另,團體成員對參加團體的感受相當正向,都認為每週聚會是一段歡愉的時光,此係因有人可作伴講話,而團體過程中相互性的溝通和分享是關鍵要素。最後依據研究結果提出建議以供社會工作者規劃老人團體介入方案之參考。


The Community Care service stations have been established to provide services to the elderly recently. The goals of the stations are to facilitate social relationships, as well as to promote the physical and mental health of the elderly. However, there are many elderly people who never interact with the stations, some of whom may be the isolated elderly. According to existing literature, social isolation has negative impact on psychological well-being of the elderly, and therefore a variety of programs have been carried out to reduce their isolation as well as to increase their psychological well-being, reminiscence group is one type of the intervention programs. So this study has designed and implemented the reminiscence group intervention for the elderly with lower life satisfaction in the Shigang Township, Tainan County; and furthermore to examine the effects of the intervention program on the well-being of the elderly. This study used a pre-post test, controlled quasi-experimental design. Eighteen elders with low life satisfaction were assigned into a reminiscence group or a control group. The Reminiscence group intervention program was organized into six sessions weekly, 2- hour group sessions, and each session with one or two themes. Analyses using paired tests suggested that the reminiscence group program reduced the symptoms of depression, and increase life satisfaction, but not to reduce the sense of loneliness. Overall, all participants evaluated their participation experiences positively, such as the enjoyment of spending time together through sharing experiences. Practice implications for social workers who design and implement intervention program for the elderly have been discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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