


Exploring Young People's Independent Living Experiences after Leaving Residential Care




自立生活 ; 外安置 ; 院照顧 ; 院轉銜 ; independent living ; leaving care ; leaving transition ; out-of-home placement




11期(2013 / 01 / 01)


49+51 - 80






Some researches of children after care indicated that care leavers were still in an inferiority status. Children in care were not well-prepared when they leave their placement, thus have long-term negative impacts on these vulnerable children. Based on these results, young care leavers have low educational attainment, higher unemployment, more likely to be homeless in adulthood, loneliness, young parenthood, dependent on state benefits, higher levels of substance abuse, in trouble with the law, and poorer physical health. In order to understand the life experiences of care leavers and their social adaptation in Taiwan, researchers applied survey to collected 89 cases. Some implications were discussed to reshape and modify our service system toward care leavers, including: good care experiences, leaver preparations, leaving care policy and effective evaluations need to be established.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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