


The Effects of RDI on Peer Relationships of the Children from Disadvantaged Families in After-School Programs in Nantou




人際發展介入 ; 同儕關係 ; 社交技巧 ; Relationship Development Intervention ; Peer Relationship ; Social Skills




12期(2013 / 07 / 01)


1+3 - 35




本研究旨於探討人際發展介入對弱勢兒童同儕互動關係及人際關係社交技巧之影響。研究採用不等組前後測之準實驗設計(quasi-experimental design)方法進行,以南投縣某社福組織辦理之暑期課後照顧服務方案為研究場域,依方案所在社區分成人際團體組與團康活動組。研究對象則為國小四至六年級的弱勢家庭兒童,共計25名。人際團體組依據人際發展介入(Relationship Development Intervention,RDI)為基礎設計團體內容,而團康活動組兒童則提供傳統的團康活動(Group Recreative Activities)。研究發現:人際團體組兒童在人際關係發展階段的測量分數及同儕互動關係的正向態度皆顯著優於團康活動組,且人際團體組兒童認為自己的人際關係社交技巧有正向改變。研究者最後針對人際發展介入規劃及課後照顧服務方案提出建議。


The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of Relationship Development Intervention (RDI) on peer relationships and interpersonal social skills of disadvantaged children. The study adopted the nonequivalent pretest-posttest control of quasi- experimental design method, and used a summer after-school care program organized by a certain welfare institution in Nantou County for the field study. According to their community's location, participants in the program were divided into an Interpersonal Relationship Group and a Recreational Activities Group. Research subjects were elementary school children from disadvantaged families, ranging from fourth to sixth grade with a total of 25 children. RDI theory was the basis used in designing group content for the Interpersonal Relationship Group, while conventional Group Recreational Activities were provided for children in the Recreational Activities Group.This study found that children of the Interpersonal Relationship Group showed higher scores in the interpersonal relationship development phase and more positive-attitudes toward peer relationships than children of the Recreational Activities Group. In addition, children of the Interpersonal Relationship Group regarded that their interpersonal social skills had positive changes. Finally, the researcher offered recommendations on RDI planning and the after-school care program.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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