


Local Administrators' and Service Providers' Discursive Constructions of Taiwan-South Asia Cross-border Marriages Involving Female Immigrants: The Perspective of Anti-oppressive Social Work


黃彥宜(Yen-Yi Huang);林冠惟(Guan-Wei Lin)


反壓迫實施 ; 多元文化 ; 壓迫 ; 社會區分 ; 權力 ; anti-oppressive practice ; multiculture ; oppression ; social division ; power




13期(2014 / 01 / 01)


1+3 - 37






This article explores local administrators' and service providers' discursive constructions of Taiwan-South Asia cross-border marriages involving female immigrants. Language and narrative, being socially constructed, are closely tied to power and serve as a medium for representing the ideology of dominant groups. The perspective of anti-oppressive practice is employed to explore the values and ideological orientation of local community leaders and service providers. It focuses upon discussions of power relationships and privilege, personal problems with structural causes, and the argument that social work is political. It also explores the agency of women in resisting oppression. The research methods of focus group and interview were employed to collect data. This paper employs a thematic analysis to examine the interview transcriptions. The discourses of the interviewees reflect the An individual's prejudicial and discriminatory attitudes towards female immigrants is a mirror of a society's institutionalized oppression. It is argued that, beyond an emphasis on multiculturalism that appreciates diversity and respects differences, more must be done to address the realities of social division and structural inequality faced by female immigrants. The female immigrants are not the victims, neither are they active agents. Interlocking and mutually reinforcing systems of oppression, including class, gender, and ethnicity, permeate every experience, impacting relentlessly on the daily lives of female immigrants and their families. The role of social workers is not value-neutral but rather political; these individuals must challenge oppression and advocate for opportunity to prevent female immigrants from adjusting to the status quo. They must also form collective actions to transform structural inequality.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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